Welcome to OnTrack Rewards. Our loyalty program offers you an exciting opportunity to earn TrackPoints for every dollar you spend. These TrackPoints can be redeemed for exclusive discounts on backing tracks. If you're already a member, you're all set to start earning TrackPoints. Not a member yet? Don't worry! Simply sign up to begin accumulating TrackPoints. This guide will walk you through the process of getting started with OnTrack Rewards, providing helpful suggestions on how to earn TrackPoints and maximize their benefits when it comes time to enjoy your rewards.

If you’re already signed up, simply login to your account to start earning TrackPoints. Not a member yet? Sign up to start earning TrackPoints.
Already signed up? Login and be rewarded
Get 5 TrackPoints
Earn points for each dollar spent
Get 1 TrackPoints for every USD 1 spent
Not a member yet? Sign up and be rewarded
Get 5 TrackPoints
5% off
30 TrackPoints = 5% off for all store products
10% off
60 TrackPoints = 10% off for all store products
15% off
90 TrackPoints = 15% off for all store products
20% off
120 TrackPoints = 20% off for all store products
25% off
150 TrackPoints = 25% off for all store products
30% off
180 TrackPoints = 30% off for all store products