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Privacy Policy

​By registering to use the Website and/or purchase Music Content, you consent to ProTrax collecting, keeping, and using your personal information. Your personal information will be kept and used by ProTrax in accordance with its privacy policy set out below.


ProTrax will adopt and implement measures to protect the integrity and security of the Music Content and your personal information, such measures being of the sort and standard reasonably to be expected of a provider of Music Content of the sort provided by ProTrax. You acknowledge that the integrity or security of information held by ProTrax may be compromised even where such measures are adopted and implemented or where there is a failure of the owners or operators of Third Party Facilities to protect the integrity and security of data provided by you. Subject to any law or statute which prohibits the exclusion or limitation of any guarantee, condition, warranty, right or remedy, ProTrax will be under no liability to you and liability is excluded (whether for breach of contract, negligence or otherwise) in respect of any loss or damage which may be suffered or incurred by you or any third party as a result of any breach of security which results in unauthorised access to the Music Content or your personal information.



 (Last updated 28/01/2022)

Terms of use


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