Alvin and the Chipmunks - Wonderful Day (Key: OR Fmaj)
Title: Wonderful Day
Format: MP3 Backing Track - Instrumental - Karaoke
Created in the style of: Alvin and the Chipmunks
Genre: Christmas; Kids & Teens
Language: English
Era: 1960s
Key: OR Fmaj
Backing vocals: No
Lyrics: Yes
Alright, Chipmunks,
It's about that time of the year again
So let's sing about it real pretty
Ready, Simon?
Ready, Dave
Oh, boy
Alvin? Alvin? ALVIN!
It's a wonderful day, it's the greatest time of the year
Time for singing and dancing, and time for joy and good cheer
Look at all of those presents, just waiting there by the tree
We hope there's one for you
And I hope the rest are for me
Hear those bells that are ringing
Oh, Christmas time is so near
It's a wonderful day, it's the greatest time of the year
Very pretty, fellas
[Hey, boys, I'll tell you what
You can each open a present
While we waiting for the next chorus
Oh, boy, look, a surfboard!
I got an encyclopedia set Dave
Wonderful, boys, and how about you?
Wait a minute, Alvin, weren't you get that harmonica?
It's a present, Dave, from me to me
Well get rid of it and sing?
Hear those bells that are ringing
Oh, Christmas time is so near
It's a wonderful day, it's the greatest time of the year