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Katherine Jenkins - Wexford Carol (Key: OR Fmaj)

SKU: EL-OR-NB-02427

Title: Wexford Carol
Format: MP3 Backing Track - Instrumental - Karaoke
Created in the style of: Katherine Jenkins
Genre: Christmas; Inspirational, Christian & Gospel; Classical & Classical Crossover; Opera & Popera
Language: English
Era: 2010s
Key: OR Fmaj
Backing vocals: No
More info: This song was recorded for 'This Is Christmas', a 2012 album by classical crossover artist Katherine Jenkins.
Lyrics: Yes


Good people all, this Christmas-time

Consider well and bear in mind

What our good God for us has done

In sending his beloved Son


With Mary holy we should pray

To God with love this Christmas day

In Bethlehem upon that morn

There was a blessed Messiah born




The night before that happy tide

The noble Virgin and her guide

Were long time seeking up and down

To find a lodging in the town


But mark how all things come to pass

From every door repelled alas!

As long foretold, their refuge all

Was but an humble ox's stall




Near Bethlehem did shepherds keep

Their flocks of lambs and feeding sheep

To whom God's angels did appear

Which put the shepherds in great fear


"Prepare and go," the angels said

"To Bethlehem, be not afraid

For there you'll find this happy morn

A princely babe, sweet Jesus born"




With thankful heart and joyful mind

The shepherds went the babe to find

And as God's angel had foretold

They did our Saviour Christ behold


Within a manger he was laid

And by his side the Virgin maid

Attending on the Lord of life

Who came on earth to end all strife


Good people all, this Christmas-time

Consider well and bear in mind

What our good God for us has done

In sending his beloved Son



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