Nerdy Prudes Must Die - High School Is Klling Me (Key: OR Fmaj)
Title: High School Is Klling Me
Format: MP3 Backing Track - Instrumental - Karaoke
Created in the style of: StarKid Cast from 'Nerdy Prudes Must Die'
Genre: Movie, Musical & Soundtrack; Rock & Soft Rock; Kids & Teens; Group & Choir; DuetLanguage: English
Era: 2020s
Key: OR Fmaj
Backing vocals: No
More info: 'Nerdy Prudes Must Die' is a horror comedy musical.
Lyrics: Yes
I'm dead
The blood is all but draining from my head
The nightmare started there
But now has spread
My pulse is certainly dropping
And my life is hanging on by a thread
I'm scared
Someone comes for me
I'm unprepared
The wait has got me sweating
I can't cut through all the tension
It's hell on earth, you know
I'm tweetin' all about it
I take it blow-by-blow
But I'd never scream or shout it
(The school bell rings)
Passing period's over, everyone find your seats!
High school is killing me
It's got me all out of rhythm and my melody
It's not cool
It's a fallacy
It's a cruel and unusual brutality
And I can survive it
For only so long
High school is killing me
I'm so f------ dead
Alright, class, pop quiz. I hope you've been hitting the books, Miss Lauter.
I was up all late last night
And I couldn't f------ study
(Didn't want to anyway)
I was deep in a twitter fight
About a problematic puppy
(Problematic pooch)
I had heart palpitations
Trying to convert crypto to lunch money
There's nowhere to turn
For the class of twenty twenty-wurn
High school is killing me
It's got me all out of rhythm and my melody
(My melody)
(My melody)
A cesspool
Faux democracy
It's one hell of a normal abnormality
(Ugh! Agh! Arrrrrghh!)
And I can survive it
For only so long
High school is killing me
I'm so f------
Hey! Hey, geek!
Your name's Peter, right?
Hi, Pete, we've been in classes together for a long time, haven't we?
(I'm so f------ dead)
Since the first grade
But I'm just realising I've never introduced myself! I'm Stephanie
(I'm so f------ dead)
Lauter, the mayor's daughter. Yeah, I know.
Yeah but my friends call me Steph. We're friends, aren't we, Pete?
(I'm so f------ dead)
I don't know, are we?
Well, I wouldn't advertise it to the whole school or anything, but uh...
(High school)
But there's an unspoken bond between us
We're classmates, comrades, we're Nighthawks
And we don't leave anyone behind
But I got left behind this morning, the bus driver's a f------ a------
We succeed together, we fail together
I won't mince words, I'm gonna fail this test, Peter, unless you help me cheat.
I'm so f------ dead
Eight o'clock bell rings
Place my head on my desk
(Come on! Finish your exam, pass it to me and I'll put my name on it)
Twelve o'clock, Girl Scout
Can't I just get my rest
(Give you mine, you can take the test all over again, doesn't that sound fun)
Three o'clock countdown
Everyday lockdown
Classroom arrest
Is G-d the one giving the test
Well, yeah, but won't we get into trouble
Please, Pete, don't you wanna help me out
Oh, alright...
Oh, G-d, butt out, Chastity
High school is killing me
It's got me all out of rhythm and my melody
My melody
My melody
High school
It's a tragedy
I've been thrown to the wolves in the community
And I can survive it
For only so long
And I'll still despise it
When I am gone
High school is killing me
(Grace, just be cool)
F--- you, biology
High school will murder me
(Miss Mulberry, they're cheating)
I'm so f------ dead
Composer: JEFF BLIM